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  1. satch4684
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    wow i remember this game and the PRC pack now that i so relied upon, whatever the mediocre rated expansion that let you sort of just go around in an open world type of way, well that was when the game really opened up for me. cause thats what i wanted, a free form version where you create the entire party.

    still use for this btw? cause I found that pathfinder wrath of the righteous finally scratched the modern itch i was looking for in this type of in depth, character creation rpg.
  2. Seomen1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Well if you have downloaded BGR 1.4 and played it the version of Kaedrins incorperated in that module has Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting working so there must be versions out that are better than the 1.42.1 version you can get here on nexus.
  3. TheClaud
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I made a new character to try out a build I found and some feats like Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting seems to be missing. Did I install the mod incorrectly? Help?
  4. PainMasta
    • member
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    Looks like Kaedrin is still sore, that other moders had stolen some of his work almost two decades ago, and implement some of it's code in their own mods!
    Isn't imitation greatest form of flattery? Isn't it time to forgive and forget, and release the latest version of this mod to the public instead of hording it to your self like a greedy wyrm?
    I don't understand this man, he'd rather keep the mod to him self even after the game its self had lost almost all of its relevancy, instead of sharing it with all players and moders alike! Like i said its been 20 YEARS stop being a child!
    1. Dark4222016
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i bet your a modder on a smurf account here to gaslight kaedrin, so he posts his newest version so you can steal it! its been 20 years! stop being a child!
    2. moddownloader4
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm not sure that Kaedrin is just "sore". He had moved on from NWN2 and just sort of fell off of the face of the earth. I wasn't around when he left and we had a pretty decent relationship at the time I left (I ran a small PW that implemented his work). I didn't blame him for leaving and wanted to thank him for the work he put in. I tried reaching him online a few times and he just seems gone. I'm getting the sense that something happened IRL, although perhaps he is still upset and doesn't want to revisit those days.

      Anyway, stealing someone's work isn't imitation. If someone was inspired by his work and built their own PRC pack that would be imitation. Passion projects like this can be deeply personal and I know enough of Kaedrin to know that he loved to share his work and see it used. Like I said, I wasn't around at the time, but something egregious had to have been done for him to walk away like that.
    3. TheClaud
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      And how is it stealing to use some code from a free mod to use in another free mod?
  5. Zas1237
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone got the source code?
    I would like to fix some things, like eldritch glaive not working with weapon finesse, which is a bug I found.
    1. demoix
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Here you go. Hopefully, someone will make NWN2 great again by continuing this amazing product. All glory goes to Kaedrin ofcourse, and I hope he will come back one day to NWN2 so the game and the community can rise once again. I'm still playing the game, and I know many other people still do too.
  6. deane9850
    • member
    • 56 kudos
    I just want my Intuitive attack and NWN2 fixes as well =_='
  7. Derisat
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Anyone have a clue how to merge the NWN2 Fixes mod from github and this? it uses many of the same 2da files
  8. osbourne117
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This looks very cool. I don't suppose there's any way to make it work with only the OC and MotB installed? I can't seem to find my SoZ installation discs. 
  9. germcb123
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I'm trying to make a small edit to a race in Racialsybtypes.2da.  The edited file does nothing in either Override folders (main or documents) -so I found the Racialsubtypes in the Kaedrin's folder and edited that.  Still nothing. Any suggestions?
  10. AztecDan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I installed the mod and ran the game, none of the new content had names, descriptions or stats. What might I have gotten wrong?

    I'm just dumb and put the dialog file in the wrong folder.