About this mod
Adds two reskin variants, model 03 is a white texture base troll with a more subtle tintmap than the stock troll, allowing wider color variation. There are no other differences. Model 4 is a Bladerager Troll.
- Permissions and credits
Bladerager Troll as described at http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20070705b&page=3
"A snarling and muscular giant lumbers into view, plates of steel embedded in its rubbery green skin. A cap of steel is riveted to its head, and steel claws are affixed to its hands. Blood oozes from around the plating and down the claws. The creature's wild eyes betray unthinkable agony."
Model 03 is a white texture base troll with a more subtle tintmap than the stock troll, allowing wider color variation.
Troll (re-tintmapped) (03)
Bloodrager (04)
Bloodrager alternate (05) (with metal jaw as suggested by Eguintir Eligard)
Forest Troll (06)
Desert Troll (07)
Slime Troll (08)
Snow/Ice Troll (09)
Stone Troll (10)
Rock Troll (11)
Scrag (12)
Mur-Zhagul (13)
Mur-Zhagul alternate (14)
Arcane Troll (15)
Spirit Troll (15 + vfx)
Directions: Copy the contents to your module or campaign, then the body will show up as options in the cloth armour variants of the troll (the default is cloth option zero). The head will show as an option under Appearance(Head) on the main property tab. No 2da editing necessary. If you don't want a particular model, just delete the files for it. You do not need to have consecutive numbers, so you can only use model 4 for instance, the cloth armor variants only show models that exist. Blueprints are included.
Because NWN2 uses an n-1 system for appearances in the armor set versus the model name, the model numbers below correspond with the n-1 variation, so the Bladerager (files with 04 in their name) is appearance 03. Since the troll model uses a piece for the body and a separate piece for the head, you can mix and match (directions in the previous paragraph).
The blueprint for the trols are not statted out. A bloodless texture version of the Bladerager is included, as is a template file for the blood, so you can combine these into a new base texture if you wish to change the blood (or maybe you prefer to have green blood?).The gold tint in the first pic is 255, 0, 0 (pure red) for Armor 1 and 255, 255, 0 for Skin (pure yellow).