About this mod
A bunch of armor sets, and a crossbow, originally designed for Beldin.
- Permissions and credits
The armor sets are based off of Obsideon's original models, with a few tweaks here and there to accommodation the designs. The crossbow was modeled and textured from ground up.
This pack includes:
1) Dragon Breastplate: I got tired of how most games either depict dragon armor as nothing more than tinted metal, or scales, even though they insist the armor is full plate or what not. So, I decided to try and make dragon armor that actually looked like it was made from dragon scales, without becoming scale armor. Hope it worked...
Available for both male and female humanoids (not orcs, dwarves or gnomes).
2) Astrid Splint Mail: Named after the faction in the server it was designed for (Beldin. Check it out here: Link ). Available for both male and female humanoids (no orcs, dwarves or gnomes...sorry!).
3) Scale Jacket: For women only (making up for my first submission being male only!). Again, designed for Beldin, but being released for all. Available for female humanoids (again, no orcs, dwarves or gnomes).
4) Dragonbolt Heavy Crossbow: My first model. Its a semi-automatic, self reloading crossbow with a dragon head and sniper scope.
That's it for now. Critique will be much appreciated.
Note: Halflings can be made to use the armor sets here, but I did not package them. Just rename them accordingly using the MDB cloner if you wan't the little people to have these things.
The screenshots use some material from other packs (weapons, helms, belts and accessories). Some have been tweaked but not uploaded (nor will they be till the original authors say their okay with it).
The packs are as follows:
ACME Full Metal (helmets, accessories)
Adonnay's Elven Weaponry (swords)
SunSilk Shields
BTH Shield Pack
BTH Weapon Pack v1.20
Shirtless Saga (belts)
Lineage Weapons
skirt and dagger are by Aleanne
My Samurai is Fight! (Helmet and shoulders)
The Dark Armory
Hatsplosion (modified)