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This is a big collection of pictures I\'ve found throughout the net and which I\'ve converted to portraits for use in NWN2. They are intended for use in a Forgotten Realms setting, and are organized by race, class and/or culture.
- 90.2MB
- 1.6k
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This is a big collection of pictures I\'ve found throughout the net and which I\'ve converted to portraits for use in NWN2. They are intended for use in a Forgotten Realms setting, and are organized by race, class and/or culture.
NWN1-sized Baldurs Gate Portraits for NWN2
NWN1-sized Baldur\'s Gate 1, 2 and Enhanced Edition portraits for NWN2.
- 14.0MB
- 389
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NWN1-sized Baldurs Gate Portraits for NWN2
NWN1-sized Baldur\'s Gate 1, 2 and Enhanced Edition portraits for NWN2.
Portraits of the party members from the original Neverwinter Nights 2 campaign by AnnaHelme
- 2.5MB
- 242
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Portraits of the party members from the original Neverwinter Nights 2 campaign by AnnaHelme
256X400 Complete Portraits (ALL CAMPAIGNS)
Made for those who uses "Tchos' HD UI panels and dialogue compilation and expansion", this collection of portraits depicts ALL companions from the Main Campaign, Mask of the Betrayer, Storm of Zehir and Mysteries of Westgate.
- 22.7MB
- 136
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256X400 Complete Portraits (ALL CAMPAIGNS)
Made for those who uses "Tchos' HD UI panels and dialogue compilation and expansion", this collection of portraits depicts ALL companions from the Main Campaign, Mask of the Betrayer, Storm of Zehir and Mysteries of Westgate.
For Tcho's HD UI
128X128 Complete Portraits (ALL CAMPAIGNS)
For NWN2. 128X128 portraits for your Companions in the OC, Mask of the Betrayer, Storm of Zehir and Mysteries of Westgate. This works with the default game, no MOD's are necessary.
- 7.8MB
- 115
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128X128 Complete Portraits (ALL CAMPAIGNS)
For NWN2. 128X128 portraits for your Companions in the OC, Mask of the Betrayer, Storm of Zehir and Mysteries of Westgate. This works with the default game, no MOD's are necessary.
256x400 NWN2 repainted portraits and presets
I couldn't find 256x400 authentic portraits for NWN2, so redrew a few from original models and most suitable 128x128 pics.
- 27.4MB
- 69
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256x400 NWN2 repainted portraits and presets
I couldn't find 256x400 authentic portraits for NWN2, so redrew a few from original models and most suitable 128x128 pics.
Garion's Portrait Pack - Neverwinter Nights 2
98 portraits for use, enjoy!
256x400 Portraits Pack for MotB
Portraits for all companions from Mask of the Betrayer expansion.
- 1.1MB
- 52
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256x400 Portraits Pack for MotB
Portraits for all companions from Mask of the Betrayer expansion.
Tiefling portraits for your male/female PC.
NWN2 MotB 256x400 portraits for companions
Original portraits of MotB companions sized 256x400 to use with Tchos' UI + a new portrait for One of Many
- 1.1MB
- 39
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NWN2 MotB 256x400 portraits for companions
Original portraits of MotB companions sized 256x400 to use with Tchos' UI + a new portrait for One of Many
Fantasy portraits for companions formatted for use with Tchos' HD UI panels and dialogue compilation and expansion.
- 2.4MB
- 26
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Fantasy portraits for companions formatted for use with Tchos' HD UI panels and dialogue compilation and expansion.
Adds all the portraits from the game Tyranny.
Adds 14 portraits to the game, suitable for Half- or Gray Orcs.