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Animal Companions-Familiars-Summons as Characters
This is a package of Animal Companions, Familiars, and Summons ready for use as characters in SoZ via the Party Registrar.
- 309KB
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Animal Companions-Familiars-Summons as Characters
This is a package of Animal Companions, Familiars, and Summons ready for use as characters in SoZ via the Party Registrar.
The Dinosaur companion is always getting in the way because it's just too large. This mod shrinks it down to make it much more manageable.
- 38KB
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The Dinosaur companion is always getting in the way because it's just too large. This mod shrinks it down to make it much more manageable.
This is my playable version of the character Drizzt Do’urden. He has been updated for the 3.5 rule set and been adapted to Neverwinter Nights 2 core game play mechanics.
- 761KB
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This is my playable version of the character Drizzt Do’urden. He has been updated for the 3.5 rule set and been adapted to Neverwinter Nights 2 core game play mechanics.
Makes Safiya a Sorcerer, instead of Red Wizard of Thay.
This is an evil character that I created using ITP tool, LETO and the NWN2 Toolset.