A sneak preview of SkyUI version 4

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The SkyUI mod may be the most endorsed mod in Nexus history, but they keep on making it better. Here is a quick preview of a new feature that is coming soon in version four.

Thumbnail is 'Adventuring' courtesy of andreamkill.

Download link for mod:


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  1. GorrWarrior
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is such a god send that you can switch both hands now with hotkeys...I'm going to start a whole new character.
  2. jayiscoll33
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how do you use the drop down menu like he does
  3. immortalknight00000
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I just wanna know when it's being released or how to get a pre release like gopher did.... reading thru all that and still not finding my answer gave me a head ache, does anyone know?
    1. immortalknight00000
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Never mind, its finally out as of yesterday!
  4. Wraiven
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    I love skyuui and I will continue using it,? but I will still be using my Categorized Favorites menu.. No scrolling everything in categories on one page on my screen!...

    Now when are they going to change the crafting menu That is what i am looking forward to.
    1. Zimitry
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      I second this, and I don't know why they didn't think of going to the other menus like crafting, would make all the scrolling easier by the search bar.
    2. Gopher
      • premium
      • 8,314 kudos
      Who told you they have not though of going to other menus? As far as I am aware they plan on overhauling every menu.
    3. BlackRangerXIII
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      You are kidding me Gopher?
      This is gonna be AWE-SOME
    4. InfiniteWarrior
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Will also be sticking with CFM. Hopefully, there will be an option to turn off SkyUI's so they will remain compatible.
    5. greenasp
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I much prefer CFM over what I've seen here. I love how I have mine set up. This version looks like a mod that's made for people don't want to edit files. Or are unable to figure it out. There's a lot of options with CFM. And I, too, hope, it can be disabled. I don't want this option, and I don't want it to ruin my CFM install. So that will probably mean, I won't upgrade to prevent any possible conflict.
    6. J.O.D.
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I would imagine you just instal CFM over SykUI...
    7. Tsewe
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      Well I'm currently using CFM, but this new SKyUI version is a whole level above for me. I will use SkyUI one because it's smaller, and because of the awesome mega giga truly excellent set feature.
    8. robbo316
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      InfiniteWarrior: I would suggest watching the video, it's quite clear that you can turn off the SkyUI favorites if you prefer CFM. It's about 12 minutes in.
    9. InfiniteWarrior
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @robbo I did watch the video. Missed that bit, apparently. No need to be snide.
    10. FalcoCreed
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You can always use a later version of the SkyUI if you don't want to use the upcoming favorites menu.
    11. Acalis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can u use Categorized Favorites menu together with SkyUI with out problems?
  5. slayeremperor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So, Does script which equips gear (such as with the F1 Key) actually apply the enchantments from self enchanted armor/gear, or is it "victim" < quotes because it's faulty programming according to Creation Kit's documentation > of the supposed bug which prevents the enchantment from actually being activated?
    I'd be glad if you guys actually worked out the proper way to equip gear programmatically, as I was just about to do so after finding AutoHotKey utterly useless.
    1. zero29
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      meanwhile in an earlier part of this thread:

      bubinga64: "Did they find a work around for the enchantment bug?"
      schlangster: "To some extend, but at the moment there are still unresolved issues."
    2. schlangster
      • supporter
      • 1,987 kudos
      The issues have been fixed now
    3. softcatsocks
      • member
      • 5 kudos
    4. bubinga64
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      That's great news. Thanks for the response.
  6. immortalknight00000
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I just want a release date
    1. DarkLordTuga
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I also would like to know a release date
  7. toreador91
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice. Despite how much of an improvement I saw in Categorized Favorites Menu over the default interface, I think I'm liking the looks of this a bit more. Having the tabs rather than displaying everything on one big page looks like it will feel more intuitive for me, but admittedly I'll have to try it out and see. Looking forward to it either way.
  8. Elleh
    • supporter
    • 325 kudos
    Interesting, interesting. I once thought the vanilla interface was just fine until I tried SkyUI. Can't play without it now.

    The update looks intriguing, but I'm not quite sold. Sorting the items alphabetically was my biggest beef with the vanilla favorites menu. Adding at least a little separation with the "All", "Gear", "Aid", "Magic" tabs helps, but it's not quite enough. I want to see equipment further grouped by weapon-ammo-armor-jewelry, potions by health-magic-stamina-poison-buff, and magic by schools-shouts-powers. Maybe the choice they made here was due to technical limitation? Maybe they did it to cut down on necessary screen-space? Too much scrolling? But it still looks much too unorganized for my taste.

    The "group" concept has some interesting potential. I'll give it a shot before I just toss it aside. Being able to disable it via MCM is very nice, if I so choose.
    1. Gallion
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      You'd be looking for Categorized favourites menu then. It does almost everything this does and more. The only limitation it has compared to this is you can only use the equipset hotkeys from within the favourites menu.
    2. Praetor26
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      And the other limitation (and reason I don't use Categorized Favorites Menu) is that mod added items/spells all get sorted in their own little "Unknown" category. You could, of course, take the time to edit the relevant files and order them yourself or download a compatibility file, but these don't work with more obscure mods and sometimes they group things pretty oddly.
    3. Elleh
      • supporter
      • 325 kudos
      Ahaha, yes. I know that. And I am using CFM myself, and have been for some time. I just thought it be prudent not to say "I like CFM better", and give a reason as to *why* I like that one better.

      And I do think the Groups look very nice compared to the Equipsets. So I will try it to see what kind of use I could get out of it.
    4. Elleh
      • supporter
      • 325 kudos

      Oh, well...... it's really just a matter of getting the right keywords in the right spots. Not so difficult - but tedious. That is why I suspect the SkyUI team went with pure alphabetization. The shear number of mod-added items would make it extremely difficult to get everything sorted properly.

      I haven't touch the files added by SkyUI so I don't know how complicated they are, but maybe there would be a way for crafty users to make changes for themselves.
  9. potatochip
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Well, finish up the crafting menu and you can finally lay this behemoth of a project to rest. Sometimes I can't help but wonder what else we might have seen had SkyUI not hogged the spotlight so completely and for so long.
  10. Afromelon
    • BANNED
    • 4 kudos
    All this hate on the new favorites menu, and praise of CFM instead is just ridiculous. IF you watched the freaking video, you would know that YOU CAN DISABLE IT INGAME AND STILL USE CFM WITH VERSION 4 IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. Seesh.

    Personally i love the new features and i want it really really really really REALLY badly....like now....New favorites menu that isnt just another inventory screen (cough cfm)...very intuitive...and the functionality of the mod Loadout!!!! GIVE NOW PLEASE D: