In June we announced our partnership with We The Players run by our good friend and former Nexus Mods staff member - TokenGeek (Paul). He's back once again to reveal the lucky winners of a Nintendo Switch Lite and 5x $50 Steam Gift Cards in the monthly prize draw - exclusive to Nexus Mods users. Take it away, Paul...
TokenGeek: Yet another excellent month for reviews with a further 213 written game reviews submitted by the Nexus Mods community, over a thousand ratings and users have even begun to upload their gaming screenshots (including BigBizkit and Pickysaurus).

We're in the process of adding game states into the site; this little update will give you a place where you can track all your games, no matter which platform (or era) they are for. We're excited to share this first with the Nexus Mods community.
As always, we are open to suggestions with how the platform should evolve and which direction would be the most useful to our members. I'm available on Nexus Mods if anyone wants to drop a message to me, or of course, you can chat with me via the We The Players Discord.

Okay, onto the results for August.
We have randomly picked five users who have submitted reviews for this month's £50 Steam Vouchers, and the winners are:
Saeed >> SaeedS2000
Gawain-Games >> Gawain112
MoxiMax >> RaveMasterX
Elkian >> ElkianLionblood
GoToSleep >> GoToSLEEP98
The winner of this month's Nintendo Switch Lite is:
Gandheezy >> japasthebass with the review of Ghost of Tsushima, "The Best Assassin's Creed Game".
The review is engaging from start to finish. Gandheezy breaks down the story of the game in a spoiler-free way, detailing the nuances of the title's character, Jin, and the turmoil he faces freeing his island from the Mongol invasion. It makes me want the game to find its way to the PC somehow, let's hope it follows in Horizon Zero Dawn's footsteps that way.

Again, we have seen some stiff competition in terms of review quality with some of our favourites being:
"Another Installment, A Different Experience" for Assassin's Creed Origins by TheAngryTurkey (Fantastic Username BTW), which breaks down the plot of the game before listing some of the pros and cons that the author feels.
"The Greatest Game You Should Never Play" for Prey by Toastnlock is an interesting and slightly different review. Toastnlock breaks down why they love the game, while simultaneously pointing out the flaws that made them not want to play the game.
So there you have it, we're looking forward to reading through this month's reviews and giving yet another person a Nintendo Switch Lite, as well as five random users a £50 Steam Gift card.
No luck this time? Don't worry! Every month until 2021, you could win a Nintendo Switch Lite or a $50 Steam Gift Card just by reviewing a game at For a refresher on the event rules, check out the original announcement post.
Comments locked
A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingYep, still here - just been working hard on this project of mine. Hard work, but love how it's shaping up.
Still been checking your content on YouTube, looks to be going really well!
Will drop you a message when I'm back from holiday if that's cool with you?
Glad that things are going well.
We The Players is an awesome site too (even without the £50 in my pocket/Steam wallet :P)!