Barrett M98B

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Another render :)
Feedback appreciated :)
P.S Check full-size image for extra detail.


  1. savage17
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    pat if you want I can send you reference material and pictures of other rifles. I have a rather large collection and they are very diverse everything from 22's all the way up to hand built tactical competition rifles. along with many pistols.

    1. patobek
      • member
      • 173 kudos
      Cool, PM me and show me some pics
    2. savage17
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I will as soon as I have time I have been rather busy these last couple of days. I also will put try to put together a decent amount of pictures to send.
  2. Bossxx
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    This has to be one of the most realistic rifles ive ever seen on the nexus
  3. CrazyMods
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Is this a real life picture?Im serious
    1. patobek
      • member
      • 173 kudos
      Real life
      Just kidding
  4. Toasty Fresh
    Toasty Fresh
    • premium
    • 619 kudos
    Is this the high poly? It's hard to tell. If it is the edges are way too sharp. You need to address that or your bake will be no good.
    1. patobek
      • member
      • 173 kudos
      Yep it's the high poly.
      I added to many loopcuts near the edges that why its looking so sharp
      Will fix that
  5. ProtectorDrake
    • member
    • 107 kudos
    That were something for Francine... Öö
  6. savage17
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    you need to maybe talk to millenia about using some of your models and implementing them into the game. he is always asking about finding some one to do high quality models. just my two cents on it but it looks amazing. Keep up the good work look forward to seeing some more stuff from you.

  7. NILLOC916
    • account closed
    • 23 kudos
    Looking good, I hope it's released.