===List of locations===
- Southern Water Hole, this one is near the exit cave of the whole worldspace. A pack of tough golden gecko defend this rare water source. The sole water source on this southern space.
- Irradiated Water Hole, this one has two crater storing irradiated water, poisonous to all but certain type of animals. The two craters are apocalyptic ruins of two killed-on-flight missiles. As such, only fire gecko frequent this area. This water is irradiated but you can die without it.
- Eastern Water Hole, a blocked-off pond storing water from underground spring. Obviously, if you can last long enough to get here you might not need to quench your deadly thirst with irradiated water.
- Western Water Hole, this is a blocked off pond storing underground water from cracks of the rock. The sole water source on this western space.
- Arroyo's Tribal Ground, this area boast fresh water wells, several tribal tents, staircase rows of drought resistant maize. Also the sole merchant of this entire worldspace.
- Fire Ant Cave, westward from the Southern Water Hole, on the other side of the Canyon Cliff.
- Fire Gecko Cave, overlooking Irradiated water holes. Due to this readily available water source, fire gecko make a nest nearby. Open up the access to underground sulfur stock. Some sulfur concentration has poisonous smoke, so beware!
- Green Gecko Cave, teeter on the ledge of a cliff near Tribal Ground, this is the source of rare Green Gecko in the area, as they like the wet air inside than the dry hot air outside. Spot of methane or flameable and poisonous air inside. Water deep at bottom
- Radscorpion Cave, from the cracks of a cliff. Where the scorps laying egg. downward slope from Eastern Water Hole
- Canyon Fork: this strange terrain create localized turbulence that lead to a recent crash of 2 transport flight and 2 vertibird. This is assumed to be part of the Enclave Invasion to DC.
- Canyon Fork bottom: At ground level, the dropped content of those transport aircraft are scattered. Obviously, most of them has been collected by the crews and carted away, but the leftover should be very welcome after your very harsh trek across Dry Canyon
- Easter Egg location: Sierra Madre Casino look from afar. From the Elder Well we can look around the back mountain and watch shining Sierra Madre Casino beyond the red fog wall. Can glimpse a part of it from where the two vertibirds crashed.
===List of NPC===
Canyon Coyote Tribe: wearing the trademark Coyote Headgear.
Coyote Trappers: has smaller range of patrol. Usually there's one or several traps in his area.
Coyote Harvesters: has smallest range of patrol. Usually appear wherever there's harvestable crops.
Coyote Seekers: A type of walker, but has much better nose. Can usually pinpoint player's direction if appear in their area.
Tribal Matriarch: A cunning woman who is the sole trader in the area. VERY cunning. A cutthroat pirate, so to speak. but you have no choice but to barter with her.
Since I can not make a temple of trial structure, so the idea of Arroyo tribe must be dropped. So Coyote Tribe appear. They are poor as dirt, so unless you like massacre you dont have much economical benefit to kill them. Also, they can dig in the caves that contain sulfur deposit to make basic gunpowder, so if you kill them, there goes that resupply~
They are very tough, because the weaks can not survive in the Dry Canyon.
===List of creatures===
Most vanilla creatures: Fire ants, golden/green/fire gecko, coyote, radscorpions. No guais or deathclaws, since it's too hot and dry for them. So is mantis.