Fallout New Vegas
Angela's new TSC Marine uniform - Interlude

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  1. ajax109
    • BANNED
    • 33 kudos
    Is she going to keep the Pip boy? Looks a bit odd.. Perhaps they consider it an extra tool?
    1. KnightOfOrder
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I honestly didn't think about it.
      Considering that the Pip-Boy would give her an unfair advantage over the other soldiers, I think she will have to leave it in her locker.

      At least until she gets promoted to a higher rank.
    2. ajax109
      • BANNED
      • 33 kudos
      I wouldn't say it'd give her a "unfair advantage" But it's big and bulky, all considering it might not fit within their dress code. But that's just lore. Personally I don't like them because they block the full extent of your armor. For example. General Raktons uniform would've looked really odd with it on.
  2. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
  3. I have wondered from which material is the TSC armor made of?ITs not some alien material,since NCR's standard issued Service Rifle can pierce it no problem.
    1. ajax109
      • BANNED
      • 33 kudos
      It's actually very similar to what most US Marines wear today, a standard military grade level four bullet proof vest. The BDU's don't provide any protection whatsoever.