Fallout New Vegas
XOF Prototype Cloak Suit

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Something of a Metal Gear Solid Skulls inspired cloaking suit I had been mashing up in my free time.
Used mods are all here on the nexus, their authors - not me xD

It's not anything close to "good" or "perfect", but I absolutely love the way It turned out.
One thing I regret - making it black. But it's easier and faster to put different textures together if you make 'em all black xD

Stealth field activation was made to run on weapon draw, not sneak. Will look into alternative ways (maybe nvse).

So, gratitude shall go to... oh man - why did I have to use so many resources from so many different mods... So, gratitude and credits go to:

1. hagyjalbeken - for the robot eye headgear (red glow map by me)
2. antistar - for the balaclava from the Dragonskin tactical outfit (mesh only)
3. Riven1978 - for the skull texture I put on antistar's balaclava.
4. zzjay (i think his retexture was the last I used) for the Chinese Stealth Suit textures.

All textures are default sizes from their corresponding mods. Image looks like crap due to low game settings. Crap machine, you see.

Feel free to leave a comment. If you want this uploaded - well - you've got only 4 people to kindly ask  and receive their permission.

And I'll give myself the last credit for mashing it all together in one outfit, editing the textures and UV-correcting them in Nifskope, making the awesome red eye glow map, aaand taking a cool screenshot. Oh yeah - and xD to all of you.

Future plans? Make the textures something other than black. Need more time - this was done in an hour. Oh and maybe add a helmet. Gonna need to crack the Chinese Helmet open in Blender. More time.