Fallout New Vegas
Angela's first field mission - Part 2 - Skirmishes

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  1. ajax109
    • BANNED
    • 33 kudos
    Looks like the Republic finally found their new lapdogs. When you're done playing servant come to the Andromeda Galaxy. Will put your men to work for a real cause.
    1. KnightOfOrder
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I'm afraid that's a little bit too distant.
      Anyway, the TSC is nobody's lapdog. This is a mutual agreement, where both sides benefit.
      The Terran Starship Command occasionally helps the NCR out with minor problems, displaying their military superiority, so they gradually gain their trust and their diplomatic relation strengthens.
      This way, the NCR can focus on the Legion in key locations.

      At least, that's the official position.

      From the TSC's side, this means "bargain chips" for future negotiations. Nothing shady though.
      From the NCR's side... no spoilers, but let's just say that Angela's instinct rarely fails her.
    2. ajax109
      • BANNED
      • 33 kudos
      The Terran Starship Command is beginning to sound more and more like the United States. Providing protection for weaker countries and not getting anything in return. So far it's basically been..

      Tom: Hey.. Umm.. Bill.. Can you lend me a hundred bucks?

      Bill: Heh, no problem Tom.. *Hands 100 dollars* There you go!

      Tom: Thanks man! Your the best! Hehe, your so gullible..

      So.. The NCR is strong enough to take on the Legion.. But cannot successfully quell a few street side thugs? Wouldn't that A. Make them look like a bunch of pushovers, and B. Make them look bad in front of the TSC..? I'm sorry.. It just doesn't really make any sense. Your not even allies and yet they call you everytime they have to fight with the neighborhood bully.. Last I checked they didn't really want the TSC in the Mojave to begin with... Hahaha! This is Hilarious! They can take on the unbeatable general but they can't take on a few criminal scumbags.. Oh, dear.. This is pathetic.. The TSC is officially the Republics lagdogs..

      Not to worry.. I will soon cure this.. Plague.. Compliments of the Terran Empire.
    3. Then like Churchill said:We shall fight on the beaches,we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength,we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,we shall fight in the hills;we shall never surrender
    4. KnightOfOrder
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      >So.. The NCR is strong enough to take on the Legion.. But cannot successfully quell a few street side thugs? Wouldn't that A. Make them look like a bunch of pushovers, and B. Make them look bad in front of the TSC..?

      They can (barely) take on the Legion only because they concentrate their Mojave contingent on the East (Hoover Dam area). They can't really afford to spread their forces too much. You can see the results of that in the main game:
      -Camp Forlorn Hope is in shambles.
      -HELIOS One isn't as guarded as it should be, and even if the Legion isn't much interested in the facility, they take full advantage of that by launching occasional attacks to keep them on guard.
      -The NCR in the Vegas area (Camp McCarran) were put on a stalemate by a bunch of drug-addicted raiders, the Fiends. It takes the intervention of the Courier to take out the 3 main leaders and disrupt their ranks.
      In one of the endings, the Fiends even manage to eradicate the NCR from Camp McCarran if all their leaders are alive.
      Now you might be thinking "Then what about all that discussion long ago about the NCR being able to kick the TSC out of the Mojave?"
      They could, since the TSC hasn't deployed a full scale army in the Mojave, unlike the Legion, but to do that, they'd have to focus all of their Mojave contingent towards the TSC Embassy, and they won't even gain much long-term by doing such a thing.
      Even excluding the Legion, taking the TSC on like this woudn't be a smart move at all. They gain a lot more by cooperating with them, rather than opposing them.
      In short, the TSC's help allows the NCR to loosen their grip on low-priority areas, and also gives them an occasion to study their military strategy from close.

      >Providing protection for weaker countries and not getting anything in return.

      It might superficially seem so for now, but remember that the Terran Starship Command plays long term.
      The NCR plays checkers, while the TSC plays chess.

      >Last I checked they didn't really want the TSC in the Mojave to begin with...

      Of course they don't. But they're here, and there's little the NCR can do about it for now. They have to play safe with the "new kids on the block".
    5. ajax109
      • BANNED
      • 33 kudos

      You're also free to die for it.. As a Californian yourself. I think even you know that the Great Californian War is but a grain of salt compared to what the Empire will be facing in the near future. The Ascensions, "bassically playing the parts as the Geth in my last story" are even technically subordinate to a race called the Yuuzhan Vong. I can't spoil this too much but you can safely assume all the worlds in the Sol System will be threatened by them.. Even the mighty Terran Empire.


      First, I'd like to apologize for the attitude. Not my intention. Next I would like to point out that the Republic is a big boy.. There's no excuse for sending good soldiers to their deaths in a land they have no need to occupy. They could barely maintain a sizable grip on California. Let alone a distant frontier. As General Robert E. Lee once said and I quote. :I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot control himself. President Kimball has never been to graceful in his statements. When people push boundaries too far it's not because they're strong, but because they are weak.. The Republic is not strong.. The Californian People are strong.. The NCR will always be weak.. And they WILL fall.. No matter what.. The people of America will never bow to their false empire! Next, with all due respect. I understand the situation within the Mojave region. Every Republic Military installation in the area is demoralized, understaffed. Most soldiers in the area don't want to be there, and are terrified of one day waking up to a surprise attack from the Legion. Or, in my case. They're utterly and completely terrified of waking up finding out their comrades along with themselves are in an Imperial Prison Camp. All the while California is now under Imperial control.
    6. KnightOfOrder
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      No need to apologize.
      Yes, the NCR's short-sighted expansionism under Kimball's presidency is no mystery. They didn't expect something like Caesar's Legion in their way.
      If they want to succeed against them, they either have to rely on the Courier's actions, or (hypothetically) on the Terran Starship Command. Or both.
    7. ajax109
      • BANNED
      • 33 kudos

      Still irrelevant and besides the point. Conduct reconnaissance, make a tactical retreat, withdraw your forces if you have to. Don't throw away good soldiers. They have no reason to remian in the Mojave.. I'm not wrong.. You know it.. So please do not pretend like they have a soul purpose. They're barking up the wrong tree Commander.. If you still cannot see that then you're a damn fool!

      Pfft.. I'd sooner bend my knee to Edward Sallows. They don't HAVE to help the Republic.. We can win sir.. We have to.. We must defeat the Republic.. It is.. For the good of the people.

      For the Empire!
  2. ajax109
    • BANNED
    • 33 kudos
    Edit: Wrong Post