About this image
Name: Withheld for personal security reasons usually just goes by 6
Affiliations: Martin's Marines [Formerly], Freelance Courier
Age: 25
Bio: Born in the Texas Wastes. 6 made his way to New Vegas after turning 18 to work with Martin's Marines after hearing word of them from a Desert Ranger. 6 was content with doing work with them until The Syndicate provided their main rivals Shadow Company with advanced weaponry and attacked their Headquarters. 6 was the Lone Survivor of the Company and went to do work as a Courier while taking every chance to mess with Shadow Company and The Syndicate. The Syndicate has a substantial bounty on him but has killed every attempted Bounty Claimer with a mix of Military Tactics and his M4 Carbine. 6 still wages war upon The Syndicate and Shadow Company to this day.
Rifle: Colt M4 Carbine with Red Dot Sight