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  1. CptnBrryCrnch
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    The gauss in fo4 has a rather large barrel. I would think that this would be due to the amount of 'power' or whatever that needs to go through there. So the barrel of the weapon struck me as a bit on the smaller side, diameter-wise. Not that I actually know what I am talking about per se.

    I totally intend to download and use the weapon. I've used almost every one of your weapons quite a lot, even basing a TTW weapons buff around them.

    I would also say that, given a choice, I would rather the scope be more towards the reflex side of things as the marksman carbine scope takes the entire screen(I didn't download the scope mod which negates that before it was taken down).

    Anyways, this is quite a cool concept.
    1. quicksilver500
      • premium
      • 459 kudos
      My thinking around the design of the weapon is that the 'Gauss' barrel provides a velocity boost to a bullet that is already traveling down the barrel. Essentially, the bullet and casing are modified so that the bullet is made or if a magnetic material (i.e. Steel) and the case is reduced in size to be both lighter and quieter when fired. Usually reducing the amount of power provided by the case lowers the velocity of the bullet, but in this weapon the Gauss barrel accelerates it to an extremely high velocity, mitigating the loss of power in the bullet. This means that the barrel doesn't need to be as long or the gun as large to produce a lethal projectile as it doesn't need to be accelerated from a standstill.

      The weapon is not "scoped", I've modified the ACOG to be see through, I forgot to add a shot of it ADSing but it's pretty much acting as a fancy looking red dot, although I may change it for looks.
    2. CptnBrryCrnch
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      red dot acog sound awesome!

      I really don't know anything about weapons. I saw on your laser recon pack that you had the larger rifle ends. I suppose those are silencers. They look quite cool. I definitely hear what say about the logic behind the design. It is actually quite cool that you are thinking about such things.
