Fallout New Vegas
New California - Vera Star

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Strange how I never actually bothered to finish New Vegas but when Project Brazil AKA. Fallout: New California released to beta 202 I felt compelled to install it for some reason. =D

Anyhow, mucked around the Vault 18 and went for the nerd route. Graphically glitchy experience so far but otherwise quite brilliant and stable, granted I'm just getting started with the storyline.

Don't have any real headcanon for Vera, only that she's a socially awkward closet lesbian (aka has Cherchez La Femme perk), a 100% keyboard barnacle (high-ish intelligence and plenty of points in science) and a bloody Four Eyes (has the trait) at that, who had to get way out of her comfort zone when The Patriots and The Enclave decided to remodel the Vault 18. 8'-(

Vera tries to do the right thing but sometimes interacting with people is hard, sometimes quite impossible, Patriot betrayal and loss of her siblings took a heavy toll on Vera. 8-(((

Vanilla lighting, no ENB or visual/item/body mods (couldn't be bothered, most of New California's list of recommended mods installed though with some minor quality of life improvements). Vortex feels quite weird to use after getting quite familiar with NMM, might have to completely migrate to it considering the plethora issues I had with it during the FO4 mod config rebuild at summer.

Why do most of my female characters in games have a red hair (with pony tail or otherwise tied-up), wear glasses and are into girls... Could it be some fetish thing... Hmm... xD