a cat in the desert

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 335 kudos
    Cats ....
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 393 kudos
      Cute and soft - and with claws out Thank you Heike
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Well, she looks great.

    When I did a fresh install of F4 a couple of years ago, I gained 17gb of hard drive space back. I was astounded. But then I look at the size of my modded games and 17gb is a pittance. And NV is the smallest of them at 49.4gb and F4 the largest at (gulp!) at 87.6gb. Heck, I finally got around to cleaning out just my download folder yesterday (all new stuff) and got rid of 14.5gb. Maybe I need to start going to Modder's Anonymous.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 393 kudos
      Thank you very much Pat . I'm happy you like her Well - I've got 14 Gb on my Fallout 3 and a mere 27 Gb on New Vegas I don't know how much it was before I reinstallled - not to mention Fallout 4......On one of my externals I just found a folder labeled New Vegas. Screenies, the Diary, my own mods and mods downloaded since the game came out. And then a couple of zip folders backing up the backups. A mere 255 Gb........ I was thinking about doing a cold turkey. But then I saw.......
  3. GhanimaAtreides
    • premium
    • 119 kudos
    ...Let's just hope a cat-fight is not imminent. PURR ;P Cat's got her claws out for sure, with that comment about the beret.

    She looks like a tough cookie, quite soldier-like yet feminine too. Nice one, Bernt!
    1. etholas
      • supporter
      • 56 kudos
      Agreed. A superb blend of both.
    2. Bernt
      • premium
      • 393 kudos
      Heh heh Thank you very muich GA and Etholas. Love your comments here That beret was an afterthought. I was done with editing and doing the dialogue when it hit me - Cat had to get back at Willow somehow. So I loaded the game again and did the last picture For now though, the beret is back in her closet. She has to earn it first