Walking dusty roads yet again

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  1. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 465 kudos
    I really enjoyed The Outer Worlds during my first playthrough but I struggled after that, I didn't finish the second playthrough, I'm not sure why.
    1. Eferas
      • premium
      • 152 kudos
      It's because it's a well crafted, but small, game. Once you know what you are doing it's really fast to complete, so there isn't much sense in starting it over as soon as you finished it, unless you really mess up the first time. I will be back to it once DLCs are out, or if really good mods are made. And can't wait for either to happen.
    2. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 465 kudos
      I might be in a minority but I couldn't form any kind of connection to the player character when I couldn't see that character outside of the inventory, not even in cutscenes.
    3. Eferas
      • premium
      • 152 kudos
      Yeah there is that to. I spent hours looking for that cowboy hat and then I could never see it on my character.... The lack of a third person camera can really be felt for some of us. My hopes are in the modding community, since Obsidian already said they aren't going to add it.