FO4 Robot Workbench enlarged with access ramp

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  1. prodlimen
    • premium
    • 514 kudos
    I just finished the last touches to the Robot Workbench: More cables in the robotic arms, different floor textures, an individual space for the terminal with its handrail, an enlarged area to make more space for the biggest robots. I liked having the Workbench tall to resemble a little platform, so that's the reason for the access ramp. Also, I thought a Mr. Handy could take care of the modifications, so I made more space for it in the terminal area.

    This modifications gets away a bit from the original concept, so I made a smaller version.

  2. SNIPD
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    The smaller version looks superb, great work prodlimen!
    1. prodlimen
      • premium
      • 514 kudos
      Thank you SNIPD! I'm happy it was to your liking