Fallout New Vegas
Updated Video Card Problems

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Hey folks, this pic isn't pretty but I need some help please? Just updated my video card and I am having some really weird graphical issues I've never seen before in my game. Like floating plants, or sections of the scenery show up superimposed over the rest of the terrain. Particularly plants and such that stay in the field of view even when I pan the camera around. And then there is this... I don't even know what to call this... but it is really weird. Part of the water in the pool is actually floating above the pool, superimposed over where it should be, which would naturally be IN the pool, not floating about. Soooo... help fixing this please? 

Oh, I upgraded to an Nvidea 2060 and I have gone into the Nvidea control panel and set the game for optimized graphics, and have tried opening up the launcher and screwing around with the settings there as well, but nothing has seemed to fix this floating stuff all over in my game.  And my Google fu has not led me to anything that could help me nail down what exactly is happening to my game. Everything else looks great, just have random pieces of terrain floating about for no reason. Help please?


  1. Dazaster
    • premium
    • 409 kudos
    Did you have an AMD card before? If so uninstall it's drivers.
    If not, try deleting the ini files under My Games and run the launcher to re-generate them.

    Also, are other games effected too? Might be a faulty card.
  2. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    Looks like your new GPU is rendering a layer that it should not. Merry Christmas. FastBlackCat mentioned the 'imaxanisotropy' setting and you may find that Line in the "My Documents/My games/FalloutNV" location also. I just checked the file path and found that line under "Display". There is also a "Water" section in there. You can adjust all the Fallout game launcher settings in that document.

    Last time I worked with FNV my challenge was to use 4GB enabled, a year ago. You have that, right?
  3. RageBear1984
    • supporter
    • 30 kudos
    Try opening the Fallout game launcher, click on 'options', then 'advanced' , and turn off (uncheck) water displacement and depth fog, and launch the game; see if that make any change. I've had depth fog cause terrain weirdness before... If your heading into Primm, from Goodsprings, can you see terrain and trees through part of the NCR camp?
    1. Hectasword
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      This is likely correct. This issue is usually the result of transparency multisampling or water multisampling not playing nicely with your drivers, graphics card, or ENB, if you have one.
    2. gmg2dave
      • supporter
      • 180 kudos
      I can see tress, bushes, etc. through solid objects all over the game. Not to mention pieces of the terrain superimposed over the screen even if I pan the camera, or move "past" those terrain features. And thanks, I'll give that a try and see if it fixes the problem.
    3. reveccamorikava
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      To me it sounds pretty much like your graphic manager (or any control programm like that) is using anti aliasing on the game but since you dont seem to use an enb it doesn't make much sense.. :/ Maybe check for overlays and programms that interfere? Anyways goodluck for an easy solution
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    I've had that water effect happen when I forgot to turn off "imaxanisotropy" in my .ini settings with my ENB, although I'm not sure if this is what is causing your problem. I also turn off the water displacement (which also causes weirdness with my ENB). When I got my 1080, I ended up turning off everything I could for New Vegas in the Nvidia menu because it was making mice feet of my NV game--especially the "trilinear optimization" (whatever the heck that is ). Hope you get it figured out, Dave.
  5. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    It's always something. Good luck with it. I had no trouble with an upgrade to Nvidia 2080, but I'm not sure that I've played FNV siince then. Don't ask me about what's happening in my F4 game.
  6. BlackGhost84
    • supporter
    • 150 kudos
    Try running a driver uninstaller (https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html) and installing the latest Nvidia drivers.
    1. gmg2dave
      • supporter
      • 180 kudos
      Thanks for the help, I did that and re-installed my drivers. We'll see how it goes when I get off work, thanks.