Fallout New Vegas
WFO Update WIP

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Made a new LOD tree, the biggest one so far, it is placed in the NCRCF Lodchunk 5 times, size 74 kb.
All of a sudden i got a LODChunk with too many vertices, those 2 Chunks which the NCRCF reside in are huge, even without trees in it it is almost too big.
The devs added this LOD in Old World Blues, they didn't think about dumbing it down, probably too much of a hassle, so they just used a high res fense
30x in both chunks, so almost the entire chunk was made up of silly fences, since this fence is 108kb, bigger then my biggest tree and it looks like dung from afar..

So to be able to safely go on i needed to fix some vanilla game LOD, otherwise i'm stuck.
Thus i dumbed it down from 744 vertices to 84 vertices..

Silly devs...