Fallout New Vegas

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Back into the swing of things with the mod work. It should be done the day before the Frontier is released, and will subsequently get completely buried and forgotten sometime this year. It also includes a companion (gee I wonder who is in this teaser image hmmmmm) that is vastly superior to Eliza, and Todd, and Eliza and Todd's hypothetical terrible offspring.


  1. SeanJohnRawn
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      I can only hope that when my own violent murder eventually takes place, I can die at the hands of a gun with a really great HD retexture. Bonus points if the murderer also has a really nice camo-retexture for her suit, too.
  2. Kazuya482
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Is she wearing solid snacks bandanna?

    Huh, I kinda liked Eliza tbh. Todd though...well, my momma told me if you got nothing nice to say then shut the f*#@ up.
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      Eliza falls short of what I was hoping to achieve, but I don't think she necessarily has any glaring flaws for people other than me. And I'm actually totally okay with Todd.
  3. Rexatality
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    I'm beginning to like her already. Todd was too much of a loose cannon for my Courier Six to handle and let's just say that I've had enough of Eliza and her bitching

    Looking forward to meet her eventually
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      This one is great, she doesn't have any repetitive ambient dialogue, and she genuinely doesn't give a s#*! which faction the player sides with.