Fallout New Vegas
On to the next project

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So, I was going to remaster the Initiation. It's a small mod, it would've taken a couple days, at most. Buuut that mod is so fucking terrible, that any and all attempts I made at tweaking things broke the mod completely. Maybe it'd be possible if it was being worked on by some kinda mod-genius, or maybe my awful babby's-first-quest-mod was just so poorly put together that that foundations are just too delicate to touch upon. I don't know. I don't care. We'll all just have to suffer through the original iteration.

On the bright side, with that dumpster fire of a project dead, I've gone back to work on the mod I originally planned to release next. It's called The High Desert and I've already got some pretty cool set pieces under construction.


  1. megamike15
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    might be for the best. the original mod is short so it would need to be fleshed out to make it on par with the others. just look at it as a prologue to eliza and nothing more.
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      It was never going to be on par with the other mods, I just wanted to tighten up the bugs, VO, and level design. I honestly believed the process would only take a few days, and if those bugs weren't as horrible as they turned out to be, it would've.
  2. psalmist
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Looking forward to it!
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      I'm sure it'll be out soon. "Soon" as in relation to the overall age of the planet.
  3. zachtan1234
    • premium
    • 569 kudos
    Err... By "high' you mean literal or figurative?
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
    2. Kazuya482
      • member
      • 19 kudos

  4. GlimmerOfNope
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    Hell yeah man! Any vague plot points/themes you can spoil for us?
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      In terms of narrative weight, it's a lot like Eliza: It's seemingly mostly independent to my overall narrative, until later mods will radically change the context and make you question how innocuous it actually was.

      As for plot, I'll say it involves helping a well-spoken gentleman establish a business in a rather desolate town, interacting with a cult, and tripping balls in the middle of the desert.
    2. Rexatality
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      FWIW, Eliza (the mod) did give some narrative connections that would make into North Road Remasterd, Headhunting, and Depths of Depravity, especially for some depraved characters from the background

      Namely, the unpleasant Mr.Isaiah Darby who is in need of a dire meeting with lead to his head.
    3. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      Sure, there's some obvious threads like that. But, as I produce more and mods, I think that you'll end up running into some people/things that first popped up in Eliza, and hopefully, the reaction will be something along the lines of: "Oh s#*!, I didn't think *that* was going to be important!"
  5. TheGreatBhan
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    If you're looking for active projects do get in contact with me, I'm always scouting the nexus for talent.

    Apologies if i've already contacted you before I can't keep track of every name i've messaged.
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      I've got a backlog of mods I want to make, so it'll be quite a while before I run out of projects.
    2. TheGreatBhan
      • member
      • 59 kudos
      Fair enough.
  6. hitman47101
    • premium
    • 3,641 kudos
    For what its worth I still really like and use Initiation, its great to have more Khan related content and its cool that it leads into Eliza.

    Good luck with the next project!
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      I feel like most of my issues with the Initiation are based on "God damn it, I could have done this better here and here and here." At least it's mostly just problems that I personally have with the mod, instead of it just being objectively terrible for everyone.
  7. AusAllerWelt
    • premium
    • 122 kudos
    Sometimes things don't work out, but it's great that you don't dwell on it too much and continue forward :)
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 601 kudos
      Trying not to fret too much over stuff I can't control is what allows me to tell myself I'm sane.