Fallout New Vegas

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I am creating this worldspace and was wondering what people prefer, An interesting story, or just fighting and hunting.  if you had to pick one or the other what would it be. 

For instace in the image above you can see the lakelurk, what if instead of an enemy at this location, there was a hollotape or something that had some story(not quest) about the howitzer on the truck, or why this truck crashed into a tree. 

I mean its not hard to do both, its just do people find it interesting reading a Holotape that carries no further meaning apart from explaining wants in front of you.


  1. 54yeggan
    • BANNED
    • 42 kudos
    1. Ashens2014
      • premium
      • 838 kudos
  2. Sebastjin
    • premium
    • 88 kudos
    Atmosphere is key to elevating either story or fighting/hunting.
    1. Ashens2014
      • premium
      • 838 kudos
      Would you say that atmosphere is more important than story?

    2. Sebastjin
      • premium
      • 88 kudos
      No, not more important - complimentary/enhancing.
  3. Steeww
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    I'd prefer a focus on story and atmosphere. A few fights or a challenging battle would be great, but a lot of mod authors just make a lot of enemies spawn, and it turns into a shoot 'n loot. That's never good.
    1. Ashens2014
      • premium
      • 838 kudos
      When you say story do you mean the main quest story, or random notes and holotapes that contain information about some past events?

      Thanks for replying, I am not sure if you will see this reply, I don't understand the nexus yet. :D
  4. PineappleSurprise
    • premium
    • 150 kudos
    I wouldn't choose between one or the other, do 'em both. Even if there's just some random flavor notes there, it'll help make the area feel a lot more believable and immersive.
    1. Ashens2014
      • premium
      • 838 kudos
      Thanks for the reply. I guess having notes laying around does add flavour to the environment and now i think about it, its sort of the reward for clearing out a zone, its an easy way to make the world space seem more lively without adding scripts and quests. I will not be lazy and just do them both.