Fallout New Vegas
Eliza update

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Updated Eliza to 1.5 finally. (Don't ask where 1.4 is, we don't talk about 1.4 in this household.)

Most of these are quality-of-life tweaks, making it a little easier to garner approval from Eliza, adding some restrictions on how often she can drop her most obnoxious idle comments, fixing this little pet-peeve of mine where LeDoux never leaves town after you complete his quest despite him saying that he wouldn't stick around much longer.

The fanciest change though, is that there's now an actual reason for a non-evil Courier to ask Greene for work. If you want to experience this reason, GUESS YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO PLAY THROUGH THE MOD AGAIN!


  1. villings
    • BANNED
    • 48 kudos
    I finally reinstalled New Vegas recently and I'm going to try a few of your mods (seen Al playing them, several times)

    so anyway, gonna try this one, Eliza, plus Headhunting and The North Road Remastered.

    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      Don't forget Depths, it's my favorite release so far.
    2. villings
      • BANNED
      • 48 kudos
  2. Wallettheif
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Thank you for your hard work fren
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      Not a problem, glad you enjoyed.
  3. Rexatality
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Didn't think you'd update or tweak the mod anytime soon. 

    But still, it's nice to know you updated it. Since I have yet to start the main quest. I might as well go ahead and take the initiative 

    I do love the trolling effort on your part regarding companion romance lo
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      I wasn't planning on it, but I got to thinking about how unintuitive it was that, to actually continue the main storyline, you need to waltz up to a slaver/insufferable asshole and just agree to do his bidding apropos of nothing. And I realized I could add a little thing that would totally solve that issue, and while I was at it, may as well patch a couple other things too.