Fallout New Vegas

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  1. VeteranAlpha96
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Is this going to be an ENB?
    1. Imortal555
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Oh, I just try putting Rudy and Dreary ENB together along with my Reshade, NVReloaded and it came out looking pretty interesting.
      I can't upload it since the files belongs to the respective owner of Rudy and Dreary, though I could do a video on how to do this graphic setup when I'm done with things.
    2. PistolPayback
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      Interesting indeed. How did you put Dreary ENB and Rudy ENB together?
    3. Imortal555
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I put Dreary enbeffectprepass.fx and it's palette into Rudy, after that I stack reshade, Nevada skies, NVR on top (got rid of Dynavision 3 since it doesn't work anymore and causes weapons shadow to flickers), firstly things looked dark and gloomy then I start tweaking my Reshade and got this pretty good looking post-apocalyptic gloomy preset, but I wanted more color and adjust to get the SECOND PRESET that these screenshots are taken from.
    4. PistolPayback
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      I like, I want. I couldn't get ENB and reshade to work together. Those shadows look really good, specifically the ones during sun set. They look genuine and not just a blob of darkness.

      Edit: I figured it out, you're using the NVR traced shadows. Pretty cool
    5. reveccamorikava
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      Very cool look and shots (:
      @Pistol - Works when the enblocal and reshade.dll look like this: