Fallout New Vegas
big lad

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he big 

he wide


  1. theDemonJackal
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I like the idea of an Irish/English/Scottish Supermutant now named Big Lad. Either with a very refined or thick accent, or just normal mutant with an accent. 
    "Good morrow to you sir/ Howareya? /Aye? / Yeash?"
    "Um...you dont seem much like the other mutants here?"
    "I would bloody hope so, I dont hail from the colonies like many of the others here. I am from across the pond./ Really? I wouldnt think that there was a way to tell the difference between the lot of us. Fair play. / Course Im not from around here ya soft headed humie. I am ten times stronger, faster and smarter, all thanks to the highland air/ HoW dO yOuZ mEaN?"
    1. bananakillerBRO
      • premium
      • 82 kudos
      I just saw this comment, and I gotta say the idea of a long-spoken Irish mutant is sending me. 

      I have no choice other than to make a mod about this now.