Fallout New Vegas
Skeletonizer Mod WIP

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Haven't modded in years, but lately I've received a rush of inspiration!

This is a WIP of a mod that I've been working on for the past week. Ultimately my goal is to make it so that whenever a human NPC is killed via energy weapons (regardless if it crits), they are reduced to a charred skeleton colored based on what killed them- red for lasers, green for plasma, black for fire, and blue for electric shocks like the tesla cannon or arc welder. If you've seen "Mars Attacks", you'll know what I mean.

Thus far all I have are the skeletons themselves- each one is a non-playable "suit" that turns an NPC into a skeleton when equipped. They look and work great- I especially like how some accessory-type items like masks and hats remain.

The only major hurdle I have is in the scripting. I've never scripted before now and thus far nothing I've written seems to work in-game. If anyone can give me any advice on scripting over here I would very much appreciate it.