Fallout New Vegas
Boomer - Nellis Mister Gutsy

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  1. DravenLovecraft
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I have a soft spot for adding unique assets like that in the game, looks great.
  2. aramdol
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    That's a nice blue hue on the body of the robot :)  It's kinda cute that it's wearing the hat. 
  3. MysteryMachineX
    • premium
    • 128 kudos
    This looks amazing! It'd be great if you could release it as a mod eventually.

    One piece of criticism though. I see you have a pin-up girl on the side of the robot. If it's possible, it'd make much more sense if you used the old pin-up of the Boomer leader Pearl instead. I feel like that'd be a great touch to really sell it as a Boomer novelty.
    1. FaramH
      • premium
      • 431 kudos
      Thanks! I do plan to release a mod eventually.

      Yeah, I know about the pin up and I intend to use it on a unique bot