Fallout New Vegas

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"Birdie, the cybernetic mac daddy of Santa Cruz"

Birdie is in short, a bastard pimp. He lords over his very own nightclub, "The House of Love", a place where basic human decency goes to die. He rules the slums with an iron fist, keeping the streets clear of any possible competition that could pose a threat to his coochie monopoly. While he may be dapper, he's anything but formal. Under his suit he's far more machine than man. His body has been mutilated with cybernetic enhancements, enhancing his speed and strength considerably. With these enhancements and a distinct lack of humanity, he's become the main figurehead of Santa Cruz's seedy underbelly...and is willing to take any measures necessary to preserve his title. 


Birdie plays the role of a minor antagonist in my upcoming mod "Shortwave Entertainment", which I'll be posting more details about in the coming weeks.

1 comment

  1. Jimmbalaya
    • member
    • 35 kudos
    Sounds dank.