Fallout New Vegas
Desert Skies Part 2

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Here is what I decided on for the Northern Nevada sky. Simple yet beautiful. I'm thinking (if I have time) I may add an observatory around the Hiko area of Nevada and use the ForceWeather command to change the stars into a beautiful scene within the observatory. Would be a cool little scene to have. Have a rough write-up of the characters and faction that would inhabit the observatory.


  1. Odawgthecool
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    Hey, Would you like for me to make some outfits for your mod? It's going to be a while as I still need to learn the process and figure out exactly what I need to download, and even then I have to wait untill my data refreshes so I can download blender. But when I'm ready, I'll contact you or set up a image of the armor I have completed. Some armor ideas include:

    BOS remnants elder armor 

    Cowboy themed riot gear.

    "The grunt" Unique advanced riot gear

    I modified version of this, A mashup between the t-45 and elite riot gear. Although I could make it with the t-51 or a combination of all three if you want.

    Elite desert ranger armor "Not exactly a elite riot gear and desert ranger armor mashup, I'm going to make it look more of its own thing."

    Power armor idea that still needs some thought

    I use titans of the new west and I was wondering if you would like the power armor and its associated pieces to have popertions to be akin to vannala or titans. But like I said, I still need some time to learn all the basics, starting with the BOS remnants elder armor  to that Power armor idea. Let me know if you have any ideas, use this to make a rough draft of an armor idea you want: https://pixlr.com/x/

    Also good choice for the night sky.
    1. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      Absolutely! Just send me whatever you work on and I'll pick and choose what fits! I appreciate it!
    2. Odawgthecool
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      No problem! I'm happy to help! If you know any good tutorials on making armor mods for fallout new vegas, Please send them to me!
    3. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
    4. Odawgthecool
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      Thank you, I'll make sure to use it! Also here is a ROUGH draft of the BOS remnants elder armor

      BOS elder remnants armor
    5. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      Looks good! Keep up the work and post it!