Fallout New Vegas
Evolution of Steel

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1 comment

  1. cydonianmystery
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    Mods and Assets Used:

    T-45d Full Retexture by Strider5
    Laser Rifle Hi-Res Retexture by ChristopherWallace (FO3 Nexus)
    Natural Landscapes by spiffyskytrooper
    Nevada Skies by Yossarian22
    Star Decal Retexture by Derok (FO4 Nexus)*

    * I ported this combat armor star retexture as a power armor decal replacer for my personal use, because there are no HD quality retextures. This replaces the US Army symbol from the prototype medic armor. It's just a matter of putting the file in the right folder and renaming it.