Fallout New Vegas
McCarran South Gate Restored

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  1. ledzepiv
    • premium
    • 84 kudos

    The image above is how the interior area of McCarran looks in vanilla. The area was clearly reworked by Obsidian and they never update the exterior one nor the dialogues, because from the outside you can see two towers.
  2. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 462 kudos
    Wasn't McCarran once part of the main world? I think it was mentioned in one of TriangleCity's videos. I'm not suggesting you do it but I thought it worth mentioning, it would have pretty cool to have gone through there right into the camp with the cut training area still enabled and all the troops wandering around.
    1. ledzepiv
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      There was another user that was working on bringing McCarran to the main worldspace but there weren't new updates about it. Hopefully it's still being worked on but for the time being I decided to work on my own re-implementation of this.
      Still, even if I had the skill and time to integrate McCarran in the main worldspace I'm not sure if I would do it because already existing mods that alter the area would necessarily require patches, and maintaining those isn't something I'm terrible inclined to. 
    2. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 462 kudos
      Yeah this is something we see with the Freeside and Strip mods that restore those areas, there are so many compatibility issues that they're not really worth all the trouble if you use a lot of mods in those areas. It's such a shame that the consoles of the day weren't a little more capable.