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This might be a sort of goodbye to Lishe.  I've been on the fence about whether or not I should retire her or just all three of the girls, but... Lishe has been the oldest character I've had since FO3, and I've kinda left her behind in FNV.  We'll see what happens I guess.

Until next time.  <3


  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Hi, Vixen, good to see you post again, it's been quite a while.   About retiring Lishe . . . I'm not one to ask, I still drag my char Raven everywhere with me.
    1. VxdVxn
      • member
      • 67 kudos
      Hey FBC.  NHK has her files still so I wont need to retire her, I just really didn't like the idea of remaking everyone from scratch.  Whenever I get a new gaming rig I might just have to make some texture updates and maybe tweak her preset.