Fallout New Vegas
WIP Personal Weather Mod without ENB

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  1. Charmareian
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    There's some interesting skyboxes here. The first image looks like a storm is brewing. It would be cool if there was a pre-raining skybox. I feel like a lot of games shy away from that. It's either white fluffy clouds or a downpour.
    1. Marcurios
      • supporter
      • 160 kudos
      fun fact, i posted hundreds of screenshots with these clouds back in the day and no one ever asked me for them or mentioned that they liked them, well maybe one or two, and now everyone is like wooo these are great and the weather mods that use my clouds, everyone seems to like them a lot, weird stuff that..

      I had my PW mod ready a long time ago, but i never released it cause no one showed interest..
      And these days i totally lost interest in modding NV, and many others released weather mods with my clouds, so i don't plan to release my mod anymore, but if i had known, i probably would have...oh well..i moved on..
    2. TheHermit84
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      I know, Marcus! Haha! I asked for them over 5 years ago. Sat of them for several years and suddenly every Tom, Dick and GARY is using them in their weather mod. I missed an opportunity to get ahead of the curve! Haha! For shame. Thanks again. They really are excellent assets.
  2. Prorok97
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    That looks awesome. The best weather mod I've ever seen tbh. Will it be released? :)
    1. TheHermit84
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Hopefully? Maybe? Maybe not?

      It all depends on whether I can get permissions for some of the assets.
      I was given permission by Marcurios back in 2016 to use his cloud textures that are now used in The Frontier.
      I received permissions to use others from various Skyrim weather mods too.

      A few other modders namely George and Boomstick have been given permissions to use these clouds too,
      so perhaps they'll release something in future that has a similar look.

      This is being made purely for my own gratification and if I were to release it, so it'd be as is.
  3. awkwardgardener
    • premium
    • 126 kudos
    These look really nice. 
    I personally never cared for ENB and Reloaded, so I'm 100% all for more weather mods like this.
    Hell, that's why I made my own weather mod, though mine is much less in depth than what you have planned.