Fallout New Vegas
Powder Ganger Overhaul V2 Showcase

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Howdy folks, it's your favorite wrongly accused convict here. Today i've got a bit of an update for you all, not just in regards to my powder ganger overhaul mod but some other stuff as well. But to start things off with we'll talk about the overhaul mod first.

Powder Ganger Overhaul:
Today I wanted to show you all some work i've been doing on the mod over the past few months to make some improvements to it. The main thing you'll probably notice if you've used the mod before is that i've toned down the brightness of the orange jumpsuits. This was a very requested feature and I can see why. Secondly i've made some other texture improvements to things such as the NCRCF vest and riot armor. The old textures were....fine but i've improved a bit since I started modding and wanted to give them a fresh lick of paint.

I still have some work I need to do before release but hopefully I should have it published before the end of the year or at very least early 2022.

Other stuff:

Firstly, the Space Cowboy Outfit. I am aware that the mod doesn't work at the moment due to me fucking up the texture paths. I WILL fix it when I get the chance, and as a apology I may even throw in something extra to sweeten the deal. That being said I am currently busy with other work. As some of you may know i'm currently working as the lead outfit designer for Fallout: Nuevo Mexico which has taken up much of my time in regards to modding, so please be patient with me.

Sorry for the long update, but just wanted to lay everything out there. Hope you enjoy the showcase and have a good one!


  1. VerasTeam2077
    • member
    • 42 kudos
    jaja  your work always blows me away, u are just too good at at this
  2. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    No sweat with a portfolio like yours :)
  3. Sweet6Shooter
    • premium
    • 959 kudos
    This looks great! Excited for the release.