Fallout New Vegas
Water Lights

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Not an effect you see a lot of in my experience despite being a vanilla feature. They add a lot of "presence" to light sources, here you could almost be convinced the light sources are spotlights instead of generic omnilights.

Water in general is a largely neglected region of New Vegas Modding, I think because people don't realize you need to manually set a Water Noise texture for your cells and just write it off as "glitchy".


  1. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    What have you done besides the OMNI-light?
    Nice work - going to use it in my unpublished New Nolan Water.
    Thank you.
  2. YaMainManJosh
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    Looks great! As far as water not being used in modding, to me it seems like a lot of quest mods I've played weren't in environments where water would have made sense. Some mods obviously do have spots where water would have been nice but like you said people are too quick to write it off as F***ed up and just not use it.