Fallout New Vegas
Bar and Grill

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Inspired by other recent mods- Clones are just for AI/pathfinding testing.

The plan is to have a variaty of NPCs using Oblivion Style scheduled AI to come and go from the restaurant in a natural feeling way.

The hobo (and his clones) saves up money all week so he can eat here on Friday, while a few Followers of The Apocalypse have their daily lunchbreak here, and a traveling bounty hunter stops in on weekends. This Scheduling feature of AI packages is a neat little thing that was used heavily Oblivion, sparingly in Fallout 3 and hardly at all in New Vegas.


  1. ELPascal
    • premium
    • 310 kudos
    I believe that one reason we see less scheduling in NPC packages in FNV compared to Bethesda's games - beside the shorter dev cycle and unfamiliarity with the engine - is that some package types appear to have been broken in the transition from F3 to FNV, particularly patrol packages. NPCs sometimes simply refuse to keep their schedule and go to sleep during the night for me, and from what I gathered the only way to make them switch between different patrol routes is to attach a script ordering as much to their patrol markers.
    1. Radioactivelad
      • premium
      • 184 kudos
      I haven't been very exploratory with packages myself, but if the individual packages work in a vacuum, wouldn't just running EVP guarantee the npc update's their behavior?
    2. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 310 kudos
      Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I find that resurrect may sometimes do the trick when evp fails and precise scheduling for all packages can also alleviate the issue (this function is especially wonky; I once gave two NPCs a default sandbox package and one patrol package for the day and night respectively; only one of them would sandbox in their off time until I gave her a scheduled sandbox package, for some accursed reason).
      But some package bugs seem basically hardcoded, switching patrol paths especially. When I set up some reactive caravans for FNC, I ended up having to clone them since they refused to switch routes.
    3. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 310 kudos
      As a side note, lining the bar with wood beams is a really good way to make it stand out, very nice.
  2. saitofutoshi88
    • member
    • 89 kudos
    Cool :D
  3. RealVexili
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Awesome man!
  4. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 103 kudos
    that's perfect.