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Made some height maps for No Sleep Till Goodsprings, here is the difference with and without heightmaps, most modders seem to not bother with them, dunno why


  1. AusAllerWelt
    • premium
    • 123 kudos
    You probably mean normal maps?
    1. Nuke4Duke
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      No, i mean height maps, normals are similar but dont contain height information as far as i know
    2. Ramzai123
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Normals contain height info in the blue channel, but also 2 other directions and is RGB map because of that, unlike height maps which only contains up/down and is grayscale.
    3. MuteSignals
      • premium
      • 180 kudos
      I think this is one of those occasions where the terms mean roughly the same thing but different points in time. Like how Base_Colour has replaced Diffuse since shadows don't have to be part of the texture no more (lighting engines b*tches!) Nice heightmap though, would love to see the workflow! Feel like part of the reason modders don't bother is cause time, they're only junior artists or its just a really minimal detail.
    4. Nuke4Duke
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      I use MindText 2 to make texture maps from diffuse / basecolour

      Photoshop 2020 with the nvidia texture plugin (works on amd cards as well) to convert pngs to dds BC3 / BC5, GIMP is optional but gives noticibley gainy textures when exported

      Nifskope 2.7 to add the paralax textures to the mesh and to add the shader flag required fot heightmaps to be visible
  2. parsleyispunk
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    damn, looking good!
  3. saitofutoshi88
    • member
    • 92 kudos
    Nice :D
  4. hideaki411
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    Double Post  >:(
  5. hideaki411
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    Yes PLEASE!