Fallout New Vegas

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quite  hard To explain tbh x_x Um. very specificc NPC in mind.  thinkign of doing like a ulysses-esque Mask face or like maybe a custom race??But like idrk how To do races. sooo </3

here's  a little extra  tangentially Related thing :-3 i want it to Be like. a wearable headpiece? But idk how to like smooth out the seams so it looks like an actual like. Growth like an actual llike Branch foreskin actually l ike Pushing out from the head? sooo. its o nthe Backburner </3


  1. AciesGecko
    • premium
    • 144 kudos
    If you make a custom race merging that mesh to the head, you need to update the .tri facial animation files. Or you could add them as a separate head part like eyes, lashes or the teeth. To smooth the seams there is an old but still useful tool called seam mender that will mend the seams between two separate meshes, and then some texture blending work so the color matches
  2. spoonsandvich
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Looks like someone fell asleep first at the sleepover
  3. FeelingFine69
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great for a remove Caesar's brain tumor mini game like Surgeon simulator oops took his whole brain out lol sorry bro.
  4. SoMaTheCandleMaker
    • member
    • 19 kudos
  5. deleted130596243
    • account closed
    • 16 kudos
    Intriguing stuff. Excited to see where this leads :D