In The Pines

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  1. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 220 kudos
    The trees look interesting, though they're definitely not the types of trees that would be seen in Nevada. I used to visit Ruidoso, NM when I was a kid and typically trees like the Ponderosa Pine grow straight up into the air. I used to live near Appalachia and I can definitely say that forests in the upper reaches of Nevada and New Mexico grow in a different manner. Trees are usually pretty straight, and grow in broad clusters. 

    1. Spifferino
      • premium
      • 2,450 kudos
      A few different species of pines are found in the Mount Charleston region irl (including pinyon, limber, ponderosa and more), in the base game all Obsidian used was some lacklustre red cedars (that didn't at all look like red cedars). I've opted for more non-descript pines, as the tree pool for Mount Chalreston is quite thin; important to prioritize visual style in cases like this.
    2. raging987inferno
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I lived in Pahrump Nevada (just outside Las Vegas) from 2011-2022 and the pinyon pines are the ones I saw the most.
    3. carnagefiend
      • premium
      • 220 kudos
      @raging The pines are at the higher elevations, yeah. I remember during my Anthropology courses that historically the treeline in the Southwest has been receding for a few thousand years. I also got to learn that the kinds of Pinyon I saw in NM are actually different than the ones in Nevada, believe it or not.

      @Spiff I hear ya'. If I may, that twisty pine just doesn't check with my experiences of the kinds of trees I see in the Southwest. I'm sure most people in the US won't be able to tell; it's about as authentic as replacing Joshua Trees with saguaro cacti in the Mojave for visual style, especially for someone that lives in the Southwest. If you are shooting for more diverse flora, however, I'd also like to suggest some dead trees. Researching about Nevada pines has come up with news articles concerned over accumulations of dead trees. 

      Either way, I have no doubt the final product will be a banger. 
    4. Spifferino
      • premium
      • 2,450 kudos
      The 'twisty pine' (in the second picture I believe is what you're referring to?) is a Utah Juniper, as the ones in the base game are nondescript "western junipers".

      As far as adding trees goes, this mod aims to be a straight replacer, however I have started a project which aims to overhaul the mount charelston area and make it a little more world accurate, considering the geography is very off. While the flora checks out just fine, the way its distributed and the surrounding landscape is horrendous, so perhaps that idea comes into play with that project.
    5. carnagefiend
      • premium
      • 220 kudos
      Oh, no, I didn't mean that shorter twisting tree, I was talking more about the trees with the bends rather than twists. Sorry for the confusion.
    • member
    • 336 kudos
    Oooooh I need better trees for this game
  3. ElliesGrave
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Where Did You Sleep Last Night?