Fallout New Vegas
BOS Scout

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  1. MendyCorsair
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    very nice picture
  2. anonx1987
    • premium
    • 1,073 kudos
    this should be the combat armor helmet instead of the one we have now.
    1. TPOl7uHKA
      • premium
      • 309 kudos
      Yeh, unfortunately the old one was my first ever made 3D model.. And i don't have time machine to transfer some experience to past me :D
      But it might be updated at some point in the future ;) 
    2. anonx1987
      • premium
      • 1,073 kudos
      thats crazy good for a first model still. but yea its not hard to change it lol.
  3. Freidhelm502
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Outstanding, would like to see the red light effect on that thing on the side of the helmet.
  4. StantonCree
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    whats that on top of the helmet?
    1. TPOl7uHKA
      • premium
      • 309 kudos
    2. spoonsandvich
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      • 10 kudos
      Brotherhood of steel vlogs
    3. StantonCree
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Ramos making a vlog for his YT channel

      "Hey, wastelanders! Paladin Ramos here, ready to share a hilarious tale from the Mojave. So, picture this: I'm strutting in my epic Brotherhood Combat armor when a radscorpion decides to give my rear end a friendly little sting. Talk about a surprise attack!

      Now, you'd think my Brotherhood buddies would offer sympathy, right? Nope! The moment I hobbled back to the bunker, they roasted me harder than a molerat on a spit. I'm talking non-stop laughter, puns, and jokes about my newfound "radscorpion-loving" rear.

      I mean, can you blame them? Here I am, the mighty Paladin Ramos, getting a stinger where no warrior should ever get stung. It was a moment that will go down in Brotherhood history as the greatest roast of all time!

      But hey, I'm not one to let a little embarrassment ruin my day. I joined in the laughter, showcasing my ability to take a sting—both literally and figuratively. After all, what's a Paladin without a sense of humor?

      So, my fellow wastelanders, remember to roll with the punches, or in my case, the stingers. Life in the Mojave can be rough, but laughter makes it all worthwhile. Embrace the absurdity, laugh at yourself, and let others laugh with you. It's a bonding experience like no other.

      To my Brotherhood comrades, keep those jokes coming. You've proven that even the mightiest warriors have a soft spot for a good laugh. And to all of you, thanks for joining me on this hilarious journey through the Mojave.

      This is Paladin Ramos, signing off with a smile and a newfound appreciation for radscorpions' impeccable comedic timing. Stay tuned for more tales from the Mojave, where even the toughest warriors get a sting to their pride!"
  5. KrackinWise212
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    Your models are looking so good nice work.
  6. Huerta
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    It looks so good.
  7. DesertRangerEnojyer
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    any chance will you make some Enclave armor like their Light Infantry seen in Fallout 2 
  8. Jieyang013
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So cool ~
  9. FalloutSaurus
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Love it!