AI Generated Character Art

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About this image

I originally wanted to use these in a loading screen mod but I wasn't liking the result, so I've uploaded them all here for anyone to use however they want:
These were generated with Midjourney and some of them were (poorly) Photoshopped by me.


  1. IceSnow060
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I liked the image. I decided to come up with some lore for this character and after rummaging through Google Map I discovered that there is a place in the Grand Canyon called Desert View Watchtower. There are drawings inside, they are called replicas of petroglyphs, the following is depicted there - ( This image has some resemblance to this image from the AI, at least it seems so to me. From here you can come up with an interesting lore about the fact that this “man” may be some kind of high rank among the tribe of savages that lives in the Grand Canyon, which tried to portray him. He may be in their eyes a god or the head of a tribe or a protector or something else. I think the idea of ​​connecting the image from this link to the game world with a certain story is quite interesting.
  2. Somnium0
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    Anderson Cooper as Arcade fits so well: absolutely fantastic.
  3. Jimmbalaya
    • member
    • 42 kudos
    These look amazing, and my opinion for whatever it's worth is that if people feel threatened by AI art, or more specifically having their livelihood supplanted by it, they should consider that AI, once applied to other aspects of game development, may eventually enable the average person to create AAA-quality products without the need for hundreds of people and work crunches that destroy lives in the industry. At a time when the biggest names in gaming are content to over-promise and under-deliver this may be instrumental in having a true creative renaissance for people who have compelling ideas for games but lack the resources otherwise to make it happen.
  4. zzjay
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    • 2,974 kudos
    I wouldn't want to point out the obvius, but when people said AI art is bad, they never meant quality wise.
    it's more about the moral and social aspects that it gets criticized.

    People having fun at home or AI generated content for mods (so free) is no issue, the problem rises when big companies instead of hiring concept artists and artists in general to create content for their games\movies\shows\advertisement, have an AI do the job, and save money that could have gone to one of the people whose work has been fed to the AI for training.

    Removing jobs giving them to AI doesn't help us, it only helps the rich and big companies make more profits. There's an amazing roster of really good artists that work behind videogames, and to see them go, just because AI too can do it, is really a scary concept.

    While as a modding point of view, AI really feels like a powerful tool for images and concept art. We as modders will never have the budget to hire real artists, besides volunteers out of passion, but it'd be really nice to see what people can create for their mods.
    1. DuncanWasHere
      • premium
      • 207 kudos
      I completely agree. What irks me is how much antagonism I see against random people using AI for fun when it should be directed toward those trying to exploit it for short-term profit. But that's not to say that I don't understand where people who are completely against AI are coming from. I just wish everyone could be more respectful about it considering that it's not as black and white as some people purport it to be.
    2. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,974 kudos
      Yes, ai for fun is great. nobody says that, and AI makes good quality images. probably btter than humans soon, which is a tad bit scary to think about.
  5. MonarchyZoo
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Cachino felt spot on before I even read the name underneath, I wish Salt-Upon-Wound's had a dog or bear skull but it's still really good. 
  6. dragbody
    • supporter
    • 1,261 kudos
    good stuff. these all felt pretty right on.