Fallout New Vegas
Red Year vs Great War

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  1. MuteSignals
    • premium
    • 161 kudos
    The show is going to appeal to the normie fallout crowd with heavy references to Fallout 4 cause let's be real, we're only getting one of these series so it's going to be a fairly straight forward vault dweller story.

    Am I going to be pissed if the west coast is re-written? Absolutely. Should that really matter? The Fallout bible was discontinued in 2008 so anything at this point, ain't canon to me and really the franchise has transformed from trying to rebuild society in a post-post apocolyse world to just focusing on the blown up part... which is frankly boring.

    At least we have New Vegas, a stellar community and creators who still know what's up and what's truly S.P.E.C.I.A.L about the series.
    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      The normies will enjoy the Show so long as the Show provides solid but fair storytelling and gives them <Fallout>, just it may not be the same Fallout to us anymore. I don't mind intergenerational alternation, but can BGS just leave our precious memories alone and stop bruting through everything?

      I sincerely hope they(the Show crew) know what they're doing, and don't mess that up like BGS did or (arguably) planning to do to the franchise(s), to disrespect those who spent countless hours into FO/FO2/FNV (especially story&lore) or others. At least, I haven't seen a sec yet in the trailer that really offend us old game enjoyers. We wastelanders are not afraid of changes, just can't stand the developers breaking their promise to deliver us coherent and thoughtful contents loyal to established lore, betraying us(well, since they own the IP & responsibilities now) without proper compensation in order to make their cheap money.

      Yes I agree the NV community is so amazing I always miss the fantastic days playing the mods made by such talented and intelligent folks, whom I shamelessly called mod gods. NV is special. I would even love to join the last Goodsprings celebration if I lived in U.S.
  2. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 103 kudos
    That was quite a rant 😁
    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      And I can literally rant it for 10 years.