Fallout New Vegas
Clean Combat Armor - Reinforced Mark 2 Again

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Apologies for yet another shot of these, just some alternative paints jobs including the clean vanilla. The camo texture is a tad overwhelming not showing off much fabric texture but it was a test nonetheless.

To save on uploading two images, I just combined them. And hey, I got a consistent theme going with my logo in the side there, pretty neat huh haha.


  1. Toxixs70
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    How do these look with the Pip-boy? The vanilla MK2 has this really ugly rolled sleeve thing going on that totally ruins the look of the armor.
    1. MuteSignals
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      This is the vanilla mesh, im yet to rework the mesh.

      Usually dont both with deleting the mesh or hiding anything so the pipboy clips into the forearm armor.
      The screen is useable but its hit/miss most of the time if it looks good. In other cases I just don't hav any armor plates on the pipboy arm i.e. just fabric.

      I havent tested in game though.