Fallout New Vegas
skyrim 3BA approach vs old Type-Body weight-painting method

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It is now clear that the skyrim-3BA-like bone-weight approach is way much better than old Type-Body-like weight-painting method.

Big thanks should go to foxhound666, the author of Type CBBE, who shared my viewpoint on the old bone-weight method widly used in Type bodies such as T3, T3F, T3BG, T4, T6, T6F, T6M and etc. Including mine. He kindly gave me a chance to look into the 3BA bone-weight method.

Also another thanks should go to AusAllerWelt who offered an opposite opinion. Although his viewpoint has now turned out to be wrong, his polite debating attitude should be respected. 

* This old Type-Body bone-weight pattern has been created by at least one of the first Type 3 body creators, probably inspired by vanilla bone-weight pattern. Since then, no one has tried to fix this wrong bone-weight patterns, which causes wrong poses, wrong animations, and strange ragdoll behaviors. (Probably because most modders are amateurs like me.) Excpet for thaumx. He was the first modder who tried to make a better bone-weight pattern. At least, that was his intention. He certainly made many mistakes here and there, but it is also true that he was again the first modder to completely bring about a new animation style wind in the modding community. The BNB animations.