Mojave Synths - Strider

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Most of the basics are done or almost done now. All the exterior plating, the armor and basic helmet, the institute laser rifle, and the G2 endoskeleton. Next I'll be trying to finalize this batch of stuff before moving on to the Courser outfit, Institute Concept PA, jumpsuits, and laser pistol.


  1. SarielleENVT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is all really fantastic work! Excited to see more.

    I know you want to integrate in a pseudo lore-friendly way, but do you think it'll possible to use it as a playable race? Y'know, for, uhh... roleplaying purposes.
    1. Danneyo
      • supporter
      • 73 kudos
      I probably won't include it as an option initially. But if someone we're to go into the mod and mark the Synth Race as playable, well I wouldn't be opposed to that.
    2. Khajiiito
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      That would be really cool!
    3. SarielleENVT
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Makes sense. Thanks!
  2. VoidKing02
    • member
    • 60 kudos
    Funny because i'm currently also working on a Institute, with a Institute Labcoat and a Institute rifle also ready!