Fallout New Vegas
A Fresh Start

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  1. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Oooh, very excited to see where this goes. I rarely play evil characters, I'm too much of a goody two shoes. But a sympathetic legion character sounds very interesting. And Molerat is so cute too, I never looked at that mod but I like his character. 
    1. GhanimaAtreides
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      I too find it hard to play a Legion-supporting character straight, so I'm trying to inject a little nuance in his story. Molerat is adorable, and the mod is really well done! He serves as Martin's moral compass of sorts, too. Keeps him from going off the deep end (at least for now)
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Looking more seasoned now. Rougher. Kind of reminds me of Clint eastwood in "Outlaw Josey Wales" and "Unforgiven". This is interesting. I'm wondering where you will take this. I'm looking forward to more.
    I've never been able to join the Legion. Heck - I've never even been able to play a rude character. Let alone an evil one. Ever since Fallout 1. Always polite and always sporting the white hat. Not even grey. Veery boring.......
    1. GhanimaAtreides
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Yes, he's older, more rugged now. Courtesy of the Rugged race mod, which I quite enjoy for a seasoned wastelander look. And you're right, he does have something of Clint Eastwood in him (and, by extension, Roland Deschain from Stephen King's Dark Tower series.) Typical hardass cowboy type.

      I'm not usually one for evil playthroughs either, but I do enjoy going outside my comfort zone now and then. And I'm trying to play him as a nuanced character, not someone who's evil, as such, but rather a man who's suffered a deep personal loss and is being drawn in by the Legion's propaganda. He can definitely be a ruthless bastard though, make no mistake. But one who is still capable of compassion. 

  3. Bersark93
    • premium
    • 201 kudos
    Never been able to do a legion run myself but I always basically adopt Molerat the kids great feels like he actually belongs in the world
    1. GhanimaAtreides
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      I've never played with Molerat before but I'm really enjoying the mod so far! Plus, I like the "surrogate son" angle which helps humanize an otherwise rather grim character (although, being adopted by a Legion supporter is probably not the best fate for poor Molerat...)
  4. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Wow, can't wait to hear more about Martin and Molerat!
    1. GhanimaAtreides
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      I'll be sure to post more about their adventures!