just some silly stuff

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  1. Anoxeron
    • member
    • 63 kudos
    Hello Bernt !!! Truly hope All is Well !!!!! Too freakin' Funny. XD Thanks for bringing up the glasses, I'd almost forgotten about them. Much Thanks, You Rock my Friend. !!!!!
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Thanks a lot Anox. My humble way of saying thank you for the mod
    2. Anoxeron
      • member
      • 63 kudos
      Truly Appreciated and Much Thanks again. !!!
  2. arghTease
    • premium
    • 212 kudos

    Spock: most illogical.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Nope - very logical. If you're not made up of logical circuits If you know you know   Thank you very much AT - LOL
  3. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 358 kudos
    Man, you're making me nostalgic for the good ol' days of Nexywood.  Our protagonists can be such divas, can't they?

    You'd best choose your next words carefully if you value the data on your hard drive, mister...

    ...but we love them so much for making our lives better, don't we?
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
    2. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 236 kudos
      I remember Nexywood! Those were good times, I miss it, but I'm also so thankful so many people are still around posting fun shorts like this today. ^^
    3. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Thanks a lot Friends (That includes you Mona) Much appreciated. Hattie and Smalley. I wonder what they'd make of the game as it is now. Fun times for sure
      @Brigand: I think you were the first one to tell me about the fourth wall. I learnt from the best
    4. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 358 kudos
      Yeah, sorry about that.  I'm responsible for a lot of bad habits.  lol
  4. etholas
    • supporter
    • 57 kudos
    Willow looks amazing in that bikini.
    As for the rest, I don't think she and Steve can complain too much.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Thank you very much Etholas Willow looks awesome in everything - period But she's scrupulous about her figure/weight. To the brink of being fanatic (I've been told) I think her main problem with T3-BG was the extra weight. She told me her agility took a serious hit
  5. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 118 kudos
    This is quintessential Bernt   Outstanding
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Wow..... you really make me blush - seriously. Thanks a lot Eggman. Much appreciated
  6. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    It's always fun to play Barbie Dolls with Willow. Well, up to a point, I suppose.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Thanks a lot Laird Yeah - even Willow's got a line. Though you have to make quite an effort to cross it
  7. Karna5
    • premium
    • 325 kudos
    These are fantastic and beautiful :)
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Thank you very much Karna