Midwestern BoS Advanced Power Armor - Outcast Paint

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Completely forgot that I didn't post pictures of this finished mesh. Like I mentioned previously, this was a commissioned piece for an Arma mod, and they chose to go with the original concept art color scheme with the justification of it being utilized by a group of BoS Outcasts. I'll be implementing this as a variant when I bring it to New Vegas, along with the standard more traditional sandy brown and green scheme used by the primary Midwestern BoS chapter.


  1. ToxicWhiteout
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Amazing work!
  2. Retrogam3r96
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    that is awesome
  3. BradyHere
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Hot damn this looks amazing and thank you for also planning on making the traditional paint job for the Midwestern BOS!