Quest teaser - Corpus Delicti

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  1. ELPascal
    • premium
    • 335 kudos
    Do some of these characters and locations seem familiar? Let's pretend they don't - going forward, I will shed light on finished and playable quests rather than WIPs.
    What you see is what you'll get (come publication). To this end, most previous teasers have been deleted - the locations pictured therein will have their chance to shine yet.

    Want to follow my progress? Track my Nexusmods profile, check out my BlueSky or subscribe to my YouTube channel where I sometimes post things.

    If you're feeling generous, you can speed up development by throwing some coffee money my way

    And most importantly: stay tuned for more.

  2. mannley
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Absolutely badass, man. Your work is immensely appreciated. 
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Glad to hear it
    2. mannley
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      By the way, if you need voice actors, I'm up to play whatever kind of character you need. Additionally, my partner is a trained theatrical actress, and would be happy to contribute. 
    3. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Once casting starts for either this mod or one of my side projects, I'll make a post about it on here! I'll probably use CastingCallClub for that purpose.
    4. mannley
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Sounds fantastic. I'll keep an eye out. 
  3. Zebumper
    • premium
    • 454 kudos
    It sounds and looks awesome! I can't imagine the time need for all of that. 
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Yeah, it took me a minute indeed. Worth it, though.
  4. man , you truly are an artist with how good those interiors look
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Thank you!
  5. Sulter
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice. Looking forward for this!
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Muchas gracias